PSE PAsian GFE Escort Amy of Manhattan scored another great review today, in which the customer writes in part about the finale of his time with Amy. At this point he had already enjoyed on BBBBJ to CIM, and was trying for a “2nd cup” -- they moved from the bed to the shower where the climax occurred, pun intended. The lucky male writes in part that… “I don't think she meant to swallow..Editors memo: Amy DOES swallow, quite often. ...but I popped deep in her throat and she seemed surprised and then just sucked me dry. “
You can and should read all of Amy’s Reviews, including this one, by clicking here.
While her latest reviewer apparently believes that she didn’t expect or plan to, our reporting indicates to the contrary. She’s a swallower by choice and PSE all the way. Editors 2nd note: don’t expect a model, we rate her average in looks for a NYC escort, but in the top tier in terms of PSE GFE Asian service. Did we mention Amy’s gift for Rimming?